Tuesday, February 24, 2015

In My Opinion

Ok , In my opinion, emotional bullying is the worst type! Physical bullying can be monitored, Cyber bullying can be monitored also today! How do you monitor emotional bullying?? People are dumb enough to ignore someone who says” Your skinny and weak and you don’t deserve to play with or be with us”. We don’t have the guts to get involved because we are comfortable with ourselves and don’t want to get into confrontation to help the bullied kids! I experienced both physical and emotional bullying when I was a kid. I took the martial arts and restored my self-esteem and now I listen to what kids are saying to each other and if I hear something I consider to be bullying, I will report it to the teachers and parents or just say something to the bullies. Most of this takes place in school or on the school bus. The school can’t monitor everything that the students are saying to each other but we can make sure our kids are aware of the situations that arise for the unpopular kids. A person once said “if you are not part of the solution, then you are a part of the problem”. This is true. Emotional bullying is a lifetime sentence of emotional trauma and it affects us in our working lives and in school settings. It took me years to get over it but I still remember everything that happened and it changed me in some respects. I would love to k now what my life would have been if it did not happen but it’s a mute issue at this point. I just moved on and am alert to what can happen to other people today! You don’t have to be a child to experience this. Adults in jobs or neighborhoods can be experiencing this as we speak! NO BODY IS PERFECT ABOVE ALL YOU BULLIES!!! Between the economy and fighting diseases, I believe we have enough on our plates to deal with instead of someone who thinks their better than everyone else! Do yourself a favor and be more aware of what your kids are going through. I was born in the 40’s and now we are in 2015. Ideals from back then were different but can still be alive today with a little education on this subject. Remember, we have 1 shot on this planet, make sure it counts. Please jump in and look out for the person or kid who needs help and remember it will make you feel good about yourself as well! Until I decide to vent again, have a great week. HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT IT????? Please send me your stories and I will post them so all can be heard! Bullying is no joke and it happens every day to those who don’t deserve it!!

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